Ghana Leads the Way at the UK-Africa Investment Summit 2020 in London

The President of the Republic of Ghana –Nana Akufo-Addo is leading a ministerial delegation of several Cabinet Ministers and key officials at the UK-Africa Investment Summit in London today, 20 January 2020. The Summit, hosted by the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP, is a major milestone for the UK, and for its enduring partnership with African countries.

It brings, for the first time, UK and African leaders, businesses and entrepreneurs, alongside international finance institutions, to showcase new partnerships that create jobs and boost mutual prosperity.

According to a press statement from the Ghanaian High Commission in London, “the Summit will strengthen the UK-Ghana partnership that is building a secure and prosperous future for all our citizens. Through economic development, trade and investment we are increasing jobs, addressing security needs and meeting global challenges. Ghana is driving discussions at the UK-Africa Investment Summit.

“President Akufo-Addo will address world leaders on the importance of securing sustainable finance for Africa’s infrastructure, discuss investment opportunities, and how we can mobilise future partnerships that meet the needs of modern African nations. In the margins of the Summit, President Akufo-Addo will hold talks with the Prime Minister and meet UK Government Cabinet Ministers, including the Foreign Secretary and the Development Secretary.”

Leading the Way: The UK-Ghana Partnership

“The UK-Ghana partnership will be at the centre of the Summit discussions on how we are building enduring economic ties. Through our government-to-government UK-Ghana Business Council (UK-GBC), a six-monthly ministerial dialogue co-chaired by Vice President His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, we have harnessed the UK’s clear offer to achieve long-term prosperity in Ghana. (Photo: President Akufo Addo of Ghana). 

“Together, our governments have agreed on six priority sectors (agri-processing; financial services; textiles/garments; pharma; digital; and extractives); and we are working side-by-side on critical areas: infrastructure development, tax and the ease of doing business.

“Together, we are making a real difference. Global finance, through The City of London is crowding in more investment; and supporting innovative finance opportunities such as the first London-listed ‘Cedi Bond’. UK firms are major investors in Ghana, bringing state-of-the-art technology and supporting thousands of skilled jobs for Ghanaians.

“On the margins of the UK-Africa Investment Summit 2020, President Akufo-Addo will be the keynote speaker at the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre hosting the Ghana Investment & Opportunities Summit, a Government of Ghana event focused on the theme “Accessing the African Common Market through Ghana: Technology, Digitisation & Industrialisation”.

Speaking ahead of the Summit, the British High Commissioner to Ghana – Iain Walker said:

“Ghana is at the forefront of the UK’s trading relationship with African nations. The UK-Africa Investment Summit will create new mutually beneficial partnerships that move Ghana – and Africa – beyond aid, by attracting quality investment to drive growth and create jobs. As we look beyond the European Union, my priority is to create an even closer partnership between our countries and for the UK to be the investment partner of choice for years to come.”

Source: thesierraleonetelegraph 

Ghana’s Retail Sector Worth US$24.4bn

Ghana’s retail commerce sector is currently valued at US$24.4 billion and it is projected to hit US$33.16 billion by 2024, according to the recent Global Retail Development Index. In Africa, Ghana is ranked 1st and has been described as Africa’s new “bright spot” driven by increased foreign & public investment as well as urbanization of the population.

This comes at a time the operational phase of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is about to commence in July this year with Ghana aiming to be both a front runner in the expected surge in intra-African trade, and one of the most preferred destinations on the continent for domestic and foreign investment in both the local production and the import of consumer goods ultimately sold to end users through retail outlets. The index – which studies the global retailing landscape – ranks Ghana first in Africa and fourth globally as an abundance of small neighbourhood shops offering low-income consumers value-for-money goods still dominate the highly fragmented retail market.

The new report’s findings are expected to put Ghana under the spotlight for investors in retail commerce in consumer goods from around Africa and the wider global economy as a whole since it presents Ghana as one of the most vibrant and lucrative markets for sales of consumer goods. However, Ghana is still sorting out its issues about the eligibility of foreign enterprises to engage in retailing since the existing Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) Act, 2013 (Act 865, Section 28) limits such activities in the sector by setting minimum start up capital for foreign owned retailers at US$1 million.

While several major international brands including South Africa’s Shoprite and Game have met this requirement and are very active in Ghana especially in the emergent shopping malls, most foreign retailers from neighbouring African countries are small scale and have failed to meet the required minimum.

Instructively, Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) has been engaging with government to apply the eligibility criteria on foreign traders from the West African sub-region, particularly Nigerians and thus stop most of them from engaging in retailing on the basis of GIPC’s investment code. However, this provision is contrary to ECOWAS protocol to Ghana is a signatory, a situation which retailers from these countries, backed by their respective foreign missions here stand on to continue their activities.

The resultant ongoing impasse between GUTA and Nigerian traders is pushing government to make a decision on whether or not to still stand by its investment code in defiance of the ECOWAS protocol. Indeed, Goldstreet Business understands that the ongoing review of the GIPC investment code may remove that clause that restricts small scale retail trade exclusively to Ghanaian indigenes.


The new global retail report identifies that urbanization will be a major driver for modern retailing business, as space in department and variety stores is targeted to grow by 15 percent by the end of year 2023. Currently, retailing in small stalls in open markets still dominates, although independent small grocers are also popular.

Ghana’s growing middle class, comprising discerning and financially empowered retail shoppers is another driving force behind the rapid growth of its retail sales sector Senegal ranks 7th in the report; Morocco, 12th; Tunisia, 25th; Egypt comes 26th, Tanzania and Nigeria at 28th and 30th respectively.


Help make Africa an Investment Place – Akufo-Addo to Diaspora Returnees

President Akufo-Addo has appealed to people of African descent who have heeded to the “Year of Return” initiative and have visited Ghana to help make Africa the place for investment and economic development.

Addressing attendees of an event organized by the British High Commission for all people who are in Ghana as part of the “Year of Return” and themed “Beyond the Return, the Diaspora Dividend”, President Akufo-Addo indicated that just like Chinese Diasporans were at the forefront of the economic revolution of China, African Diasporans can do same for the African continent. “Let us all remember that the destiny of all black people no matter where they are in the world is bound up with Africa. We must help make Africa the place for investment, progress and prosperity and not from where our youth flee in the hope of accessing the mirage of a better life in Europe or the Americas” President Akufo-Addo said.

The Chinese Diaspora

According to the President, history has it that Diasporan communities have had a positive impact on the development of several countries through increased trade activities, rising investments and transfer of skills and knowledge. Citing the case of China, the President noted that “with an immigrate population of 60 million, the Chinese Diaspora is side to be the 25th largest country in the world who according to the” Nikkei Asian Review” own assets worth 2.5 trillion United States dollars”.

The President went on to say, “when foreign companies in the late 1970s reduced their investments in China, it was the Chinese Diaspora that shored up the economy. According to the Washington DC-based migration policy institute, half of the foreign direct investment, that is, 26 billion United States dollars that transformed China into a manufacturing powerhouse in the 1990s originated from the Chinese Diaspora”.

The Chinese example the President indicated must inform the relationship that African Diasporans must develop with Africa. “As we draw the curtain on this bold initiative, we should now look beyond the return and build on the dividend chocked. The time has come to engage Africans in the Diaspora and all persons of African decent more positively in areas such as trade & investment cooperation and skills & knowledge development” President Akufo-Addo noted.

British High Commissioner to Ghana

British High Commissioner to Ghana, Iain Walker, in his speech observed that the “Year of Return” initiative has been a great success and that the British High Commission is committed to ensuring that Ghana continues to reap the benefits of the initiative beyond this year. “We are very keen to working more with the Diaspora office.

We are very keen to build on the phenomenal success Mr. President of the” Year of Return” as we look towards the year beyond return” High Commissioner Iain Walker said.

Panel Discussions

As part of the event, two-panel discussions were held. The first panel comprising Edward Ashong Lartey, Director of Investor Services, Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Valerie Labi, Country Director of IDE Ghana, Andrew Takyi-Appiah, MD Zeepay, Tony Tahoe, CO-Founder TD Afrique and Adjoba Kyiamah of UKGCC, considered the topic “Investing in Ghana”.

The second panel focused on “Bridging the Gap – Investing Skills” and the panel included Akwasi Ababio, Director of Diaspora Affairs, Office of the President, Akwasi Agyeman, CEO Ghana Tourism Authority, Christabel Dadzie, Founder and Co-Chair, Ahaspora Professionals Network, Jessica Hagan, Programme Manager for Arts and Creative Economies, British Council and Dentaa Amoateng OBE, Founder and CEO, GUBA.


Industry captains positive about business conditions in 2020

Industry captains interviewed for the Third Oxford Business Group (OBG) Chief Executive Officers report expect local business conditions to be positive in the coming year. They were also upbeat about the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which would be headquartered in Ghana, and the benefits it could bring to the region.

About 100 CEOs’ from across Ghana’s industries were asked a wide-range of questions on a face-to-face basis aimed at gauging the business sentiment.

The findings indicate that most CEOs in Ghana are broadly positive about the country’s prospects.

Seventy-one per cent of respondents described their expectations of local business conditions as positive or very positive for the coming year; while 68 per cent viewed the level of transparency for conducting business in the country relative to the West African region as high or very high.

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, (GIPC) in collaboration with Oxford Business Group (OBG) and Impact Investing Ghana, on Thursday, launched the report of the survey at the Fourth Quarter CEOs’ Breakfast Meeting, in Accra. The survey, which was conducted on a face-to-face basis across the full range of industries, company sizes and functional specialties, was designed to assess business sentiments amongst business leaders (Chief Executives or equivalent) and their outlook for the next 12 months.

Mr Rik Moors, the Editorial Manager, OBG, who launched the report, said 73 per cent of the interviewees expected the AfCFTA to have a positive impact on intra-regional trade levels.

OBG is a global research and advisory company with a presence in more than 30 countries, from Africa, the Middle East and Asia to the Americas.

“Reactions to the banking reform agenda were mixed with almost 44 per cent of the survey participants describing local sentiment surrounding the reform agenda as positive or very positive; while 43 per cent described it as negative or very negative,” he said.

He said the banking sector reforms formed a key part of the government’s efforts to restore macroeconomic stability in recent years.

The survey results could be explained by the fact that while most people agreed the reform agenda was a much-needed measure to reap longer-term benefits; many remained were preoccupied by its short-term implications, particularly on liquidity and credit availability.

The survey highlighted business leaders’ concerns over the destabilising impact on the economy of commodity price fluctuations.

Again, 43 per cent of those interviewed chose volatility in commodity prices as the top external event they felt could impact the economy in the short to medium term, well ahead of instability in neighbouring countries selected by 13 per cent.

Weak infrastructure and transport networks were selected by 11 per cent.

The report was based on data from private, international, regional and local companies and the data generated allowed for analysis of sentiment within an individual country, as well as regionally and globally.

Mr Moore said the survey was conducted under the Chatham House Rules to encourage frank discussion and engagement between parties present.

Mr Carl Nelson, Chief Operating Officer, GIPC, said the Centre’s CEOs Breakfast Meeting series was a flagship vehicle for effective engagement between the government and the private sector.

The first edition of the report, published in 2017, focused on the stabilisation of the economy following a somewhat challenging period of weak oil prices and sluggish economic growth.

 He said the second edition assessed the events of the year 2018 as Government worked towards exiting an IMF credit deal, amidst fiscal and monetary reforms, alongside a historic consolidation of the banking sector.

 Mr Nelson said the latest survey carefully examined how the various reforms and programmes implemented by the Government in 2019, as well as the 2020 General Election, had impacted the Business Community and the prospects for the next 12 months.

 He said: “Since teaming up in December 2010 for OBG’s first country report, the OBG-GIPC partnership has produced comprehensive accounts that provide holistic and accurate analyses of political, macroeconomic and sectoral developments.

 “It has also showcased opportunities available in Ghana to both the domestic and foreign investor community.”


Ghana – Japan Business Promotion Committee Inaugurated in Accra

A six-member high level Ghana-Japan Business Promotion Committee (GJBPC) to facilitate mutual investment, trade and business interests between Ghana and Japan has been inaugurated in Accra.

The committee made up representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Finance, Trade and Industry, Business Development, the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) and the Embassy of Japan in Ghana will promote Ghana as an entry point into Africa and investment hub to Japanese companies.

Other objectives of the committee are to set up information sharing mechanisms on trade updates, laws and regulation policy updates, industrial standards and market trends to the benefit of both countries.

They will also organize trade and investment related delegations to both countries, Identifying and deliver solutions to challenges faced by Japanese companies or businesses in Ghana and vice versa.

Speaking at the launch and inaugural meeting of the Committee today, the Chief Executive Officer of GIPC, Yofi Grant said Ghana in the past few years was repositioning itself  to be the most attractive business environment in Africa as well as the hub for a lot of the activities that would  take place on the continent both  at the investment level, the trade level, and the industrial level.

For this reason, he said, it was important for Ghana to have a stable debt management and significant reforms that “will enable us achieve our objectives”.

In addition, he said the setup of the committee would help to further strengthen the partnerships in Ghana’s development agenda by bringing Japanese capital into the Ghanaian market as investments to develop the economy.

“Aside the foreign direct investments, we can also play on our regionalization strategy and be a hub for a lot of the activities that will take place on the continent both at the investment level, the trade level, and the industrial level”, he said.

For his part, the Japanese Ambassador to Ghana, Mr. Himeno Tsutomu said the Japanese business community was increasingly looking to do business in Africa and Ghana was the destination of choice saying “It is important to for us to attract and encourage more Japanese companies to come to Ghana and contribute to the development of this country through investment and partnerships”.


GIPC Hopeful of More Investments in Agric Sector as it Touts 2018 Growth

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), says it is hoping to double investment in the agricultural sector to help increase non-traditional export in 2019. According to the Centre, the agricultural sector was able to rake in 591 million dollars export in 2018, a figure it seeks to increase in 2019.

Speaking about some plans adopted by the GIPC, Chief Executive Officer- Yofi Grant, was optimistic the various Agric Initiatives introduced by the Nana Addo government will attract more investors.

“The sector grew by 4.8% in 2018 and generated five hundred and ninety one million US dollars worth of exports, and a thirty four percent increase from previous earnings of four hundred and forty one million dollars. The current government has rolled out and will continue to roll out initiatives designed to modernize the sector, improve output and provide a stable and sustainable raw material base to value addition by the agro processing industry. It’s through all the hard work that we saw that huge rise from 2017 to 2018”.

He added that “the government’s ten-point industrialization strategy made up of interventions such as the one district, one factory, the export development programme and the creation of strategic anchor industries as well as other government interventions such as the fertilizer subsidy programmes, are all aimed at directly of indirectly opening up various business opportunities along the agriculture value chain”.


Ghana’s Textile Industry to See Major Transformation – GIPC Boss

The Chief Executive of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC)- Mr. Yofi Grant, has disclosed that the ailing textile industry is likely to be revamped soon. Mr.Grant disclosed that more than five of the owners of the world’s largest textile manufacturing and chain of stores within the textile industry including H&M are coming to Ghana for a two-day visit.

The team will be exploring opportunities for partnerships to set-up their manufacturing firms in the country.

Yofi Grant told Joy Business’ Norvan Acquah-Hayford at the Global Business Forum (GBF) Africa 2019 in Dubai that the country is well positioned for business.

GBF Africa 2019 is organised by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Dubai Chamber) under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

Source: JoyBusiness

GIPC to Attract More Investors into Agribusiness in 2020 – Yofi Grant

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Yofi Grant, has said his outfit will prioritize investments in agriculture and agribusiness in 2020.
This, he explained will feed into government’s agricultural programmes such as the Planting for Food and Jobs as well as Rearing for Food and Export.

Mr. Grant maintained that the GIPC is already in touch with some investors to access Ghana’s agricultural sector to work with local farmers.
“Agriculture has always played a major role in Ghana’s economy, employing over 50 percent of the working population and contributing largely to Ghana’s export earnings and being a major source of input for the manufacturing sector as well,” Mr. Grant said at the 18th edition of the Ghana Club 100 Awards organised in Accra.

He pointed out that government’s investments have yielded positive results, reflecting in an increase in food yield.
“The sector grew by 4.8 percent in 2018, and generated 591 million US dollars,” he said, adding that the GIPC is working to improve the figures in 2019 and 2020.

He stated that the figures already looked good with just a month to complete the year. Mr. Grant was hopeful the several agricultural initiatives undertaken by the government will attract investors into the sector.


2019 Ghana Club 100 Awards: Full List of Winners

The 2019 edition of the annual Ghana Club 100 Awards came off on Friday, November 15 at the Kempinski Hotel, Accra. The event organised by the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) was on the theme “Sustainable Agriculture; The Bedrock of Ghana’s Industrialisation Drive”. The Ghana Club 100 (GC100) is an annual compilation of the top 100 companies in Ghana to give due recognition to successful enterprise building.

The GC100 is about corporate excellence hence companies making it into the list are to serve as role models for the private sector and provide a forum for corporate Ghana to interact with the government at a high level.

MTN Ghana was adjudged the number one company at the awards ceremony.

The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, who was the special guest of honour presented the award to MTN Ghana.

Receiving the award, the company said it felt humbled by the recognition. It thanked its staff and stakeholders for contributing to its success.

See the full list of the 18th Edition GC100 Award Winners below:

  1. Scancom Plc. (MTN)
  2. Kosmos Energy Ghana
  3. GOIL
  4. Sunon Asogli Power Plant Ltd.
  5. IT Consortium
  6. ASA Savings and Loans
  7. Total Petroleum Ghana Ltd.
  8. Goldfields Ghana Ltd.
  9. Olam Ghana Ltd.
  10. Agro ECOM Ghana Ltd.
  11. Anglogold Ashanti Aduapriem
  12. Newmont Goldenrich Ghana Ltd.
  13. Unilever Ghana Ltd.
  14. GCNet
  15. Newmont Ghana Gold Ltd.
  16. GCB Bank Ltd.
  17. Enterprise Trustees
  18. Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd. subsidiary of ABSA
  19. Metropolitan Health Insurance Ghana Ltd.
  20. Ecobank Ghana Ltd.
  21. B5 Plus Ltd.
  22. Enterprise Life Company Ltd.
  23. Poly Kraft Ghana Ltd.
  24. Letshego Ghana Savings and Loans
  25. Nexans Cable Metals Ltd.
  26. Kiteko Ghana Ltd.
  27. Maphlix Trust Ghana Ltd.
  28. Afcott Ghana Ltd.
  29. Stanbic Bank Ghana Ltd.
  30. Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Ltd.
  31. Fiaseman Rural Bank
  32. Fidelity Bank Ghana Ltd.
  33. Cal Bank
  34. KEK Insurance Brokers
  35. Melcom Ltd.
  36. GTBank Ghana Ltd.
  37. Microfin Rural Bank Ltd.
  38. Papaye Ghana Ltd.
  39. Landtours
  40. Starlife Assurance
  41. Nutrifoods
  42. Goldfields Tarkwa and Damang mine
  43. TekSol Ltd.
  44. Niche Cocoa
  45. Izwe Savings and Loans
  46. Kane-Em Industries Ltd.
  47. Glico Life Insurance Company Ltd.
  48. Tobinco Pharmacy Ltd.
  49. Sefwiman Rural Bank Ltd.
  50. Atwima Mponua Rural Bank Ltd.
  51. Amenfiman Rural Bank
  52. Enterprise Insurance Company Ltd.
  53. Societe Generale Ghana
  54. L’aine services Ltd.
  55. Bayport Savings and Loans
  56. Fanmilk Ltd.
  57. GHL Bank Ltd.
  58. Poly Tanks
  59. Ahantaman Rural Bank Ltd.
  60. Manya Krobo Rural Bank Ltd.
  61. Bosomtwe Rural Bank Ltd.
  62. Sunu Assurances Ghana Ltd.
  63. New Crystal Health Services Ltd.
  64. South Akyem Rural Bank Ltd.
  65. Builsa Community Bank Ltd.
  66. Interplast Ltd.
  67. Otuasekan Rural Bank Ltd.
  68. Star Assurance Company Ltd.
  69. Kaaseman Rural Bank Ltd.
  70. Olam Cocoa Processing Ghana
  71. G4S Security Services Ltd.
  72. Upper Amenfi Rural Bank Ltd.
  73. Activa International Insurance Company Ltd.
  74. SIC Insurance Company Ltd.
  75. Glico Healthcare Ltd.
  76. Leasafric Ghana Ltd.
  77. Juaben Rural Bank Ltd.
  78. Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank Ltd.
  79. Crocodile Matchets Ghana Ltd.
  80. Ghana Rubber Estates Ltd.
  81. Prudential Life Insurance Ghana Ltd.
  82. Amansie West Rural Bank Ltd.
  83. Amanano Rural Bank Ltd.
  84. Tropical Cables and Conductors Ltd.
  85. Odotobri Rural Bank Ltd.
  86. Kintampo Rural Bank Ltd.
  87. Bawjiase Area Rural Bank Ltd.
  88. M&G Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
  89. Guinness Ghana Breweries Ltd.
  90. Kasapreko Company Ltd.
  91. Asokori Rural Bank Ltd.
  92. Anum Rural Bank
  93. Access Bank
  94. Akuapim Rural Bank Ltd.
  95. Asante Akyem Rural Bank Ltd.
  96. ADB Bank
  97. Starwin Products Ltd.
  98. Glico General Insurance Company Ltd.
  99. Acacia Health Insurance
  100. Japan Motors Trading Company Ltd.

Discretionary Awards

Largest Taxpayer – Scancom Ghana Plc., MTN

Fastest Growing Company – Sunon Asogli Power Plant Ltd.

Most Profitable Company – GCNet

Largest Company in Ghana – GOIL

Best New Entrant Company – Agro ECOM Ghana Ltd.

Best CSR Organization  – Newmont Ahafo Mine

Best Listed Company – Cal Bank


GIPC to Embark on Investment Promotion Mission to Europe

Mr. Yofi Grant, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) will, on Monday, November 18 lead a 50-member business delegation on an investment promotion mission to Europe. The mission, which will end on November 27, this year, is made up of four public sector agencies.

A statement issued by the Centre, and copied to the Ghana News Agency, on Friday, said the mission was being undertaken in collaboration with the Embassies of Denmark and Norway in Ghana and the Embassy of Sweden based in Nigeria. It is to present a cross-section of Ghanaian private sector with bankable projects and other business interests for partnership and other forms of collaboration with their peers in the respective countries.

Members would pursue bilateral trade and investments opportunities that would boost the economies of the participating countries. The mission would lay emphasis on multi-sectoral development, including (port logistics, housing, and transport), Food and Agriculture, Water & Environment (wastewater and waste management, Agri-waste to energy, recycling), Information and Communication Technology, Financial Technology, and Renewable Energy.

The highlights of the mission, the statement said, would include a business forum, business to business meetings, and company site visits in each country, as well as a meeting with Ghanaian business owners in Denmark and Norway. Quoting Mr Grant, it said the choice of destination for the investment mission formed part of a strategic process of engaging with Europe and the European Union.

“Norway is an oil-producing country that has developed using that resource and is also looking outward for investments,” it explained. “The three countries of the Scandinavia are, therefore, of strategic importance to Ghana in terms of how they have developed their small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to be global players”.

Quoting Mrs Tove Degnbol, the Ambassador of Denmark to Ghana, it said although the three Scandinavian countries had their own economic profile, they shared a focus on ‘green solutions’ such as the use of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate resilience.

“They are all seafaring nations with several centuries of experience of international trade coupled with high standards of living. There is, therefore, a keen interest in the business communities in the three countries to further developing trade and investment relations with Ghana”.

The statement said GIPC had so far registered 123 projects from Denmark, Sweden, and the Norway from September 1994 to June 2019, with a total estimated project value of more than 250 million dollars. The projects are spread in the sectors of Agriculture, Building and Construction, Export Trading, General Trading, Liaison, Manufacturing, Services, and Tourism.

Source: GIPC