Investor Confidence Influences ‘Lower’ Interest On 10yr Energy Bond

Economists have attributed the relatively lower interest rates on the re-opened ten year energy bond to the relative stability in the Ghanaian economy. The managers of ESLA Plc, the entity mandated to raise money to settle the energy sector debts, yesterday had its ten year bond oversubscribed at an interest rate around 19 percent.

This is below the target of about 19.4 percent. The managers of ESLA Plc, re-opened the ten year bond from Monday (January 22, 2018) to Wednesday, January 24, 2018.The managers were hoping to raise between 100 and 137 million cedis.

However, at the close of the auction, the bond had raised 615.9 million cedis. This means that the targeted amount was oversubscribed by about six times. Sources close to the issue tell Citi Business News that investors are seeking interest rates around 19 percent which is below the targeted 19.4 percent.

Reacting to this, Economist at the University of Ghana, Dr. Ebo Turkson explained that the reduction of the US Federal Reserve’s interest rates coupled with a relative stability attracted investors to buy into the bond.

“You normally expect such an outturn in our case when the US Fed announces a reduction in its rate and therefore investors will be looking at us. But given the US reduction in taxes among others, that (reduced US Fed rates) may not necessarily be the issue. The more possible reason will be the confidence that the investors have in the Ghanaian economy due to the relative stability…usually investors will not offer an interest rate lower than what those who borrowed the money will expect,” he stated.

The first issuance carried out in October last year, attracted some 19.5 percent in interest. Some industry watchers have also attributed the investors’ response to the fact that this issue is a secondary one. By this, it means government has been able to raise an estimated 5.3 billion cedis out of the 10 billion cedis.

Hence the government is left with an outstanding amount estimated at 4.7 billion cedis to raise. Already, the Minister of Energy Boakye Agyarko has announced that the managers will be coming to the market in March to raise the remainder.

Though he would not readily predict the interest rate to be charged, Dr. Ebo Turkson maintained that the rate will largely be determined by the prevailing economic conditions around that time.

“I cannot come out with an expected figure as we speak now; maybe a few weeks to the issue I could look at the prevailing conditions to make a prediction. It is more so because in the market for such financial instruments, so many factors are at play and that influence the rates. Even with this issue, the government got a lesser rate than it was prepared to pay,”


President Akufo-Addo Inaugurates GIPC Board

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo yesterday 17th January 2018, performed the swearing-in of the GIPC’s new 10-member Board at the Presidency. The board which is chaired by Mr Kwasi Abeasi includes the following members:

  • The Chief Executive Officer Officer of the GIPC, Mr Yofi Grant
  • The first Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr. Maxwell Opoku- Afairi
  • Acting Director –General of the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), Dr Grace A. Bediako
  • Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Carlos Kingsley Ahenkorah.
  • Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr Kwaku Agyeman Kwarteng
  • CEO of the Private Enterprise Federation (PEF), Nana Osei-Bonsu
  • Alex Apau Dadey, member
  • Madam Nora Bannerman-Abbott, member
  • Dame Dr. Mrs. Cecilia A. Kwofie, member

 Source: GIPC Corporate Affairs

President Akuffo-Addo Praises Sunda for Massive Investment in Ghana

The President of Ghana, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo- Addo on Saturday praised Sunda International, a Chinese company for investing over USD $ 77 million in setting up the Twyford ceramic factory at Shama in the western region of Ghana.

The President was speaking shortly after touring the 14.4 million square meter designed production capacity facility to officially commission its operations.

‘’I congratulate the chair person, board, management and directors of Sunda International for the decision to establish the factory here in Shama. It will not only reduce our country’s ceramic tiles import bill but will also create employment for the young men and women resident here’’.

”I am also happy to note that 95% of the factory’s raw material needs will be sourced locally. The promoters of this project should work towards increasing this figure to a 100%’’, the President added.

President Nana Akuffo Addo announced that Ghana Gas has reduced the price per unit gas supply to Twyford and other factories in furtherance of the government’s commitment to improving the business environment.

‘’Through the new industrial development tariff authorized by the minister, a new reduced rate for energy has been approved for industry. This government is determined to enhance the competitiveness of Ghanaian industry’’.

 The President assured the promoters of the Twyford Ceramics factory that his doors will always be open for them to resolve issues relating to their operations.

‘’The experienced minister for trade and industry will work with you to address any challenges that may arise, and if indeed it becomes necessary, which I hope it will not, to go higher up the chain of authority, I want you to know that my doors will always be open. I do on the other hand insist, that on your part that you play according to the rules and regulations of the sector and the laws of the country as a whole’’.

The factory is expected to employ over 1800 workers.


GIPC Wins IPSLA Award for Savviest Use of Digital Media

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has been recognized for its effective use of social media in the course of its engagements for the year 2017.

The award presented by the IMANI Inspirational Public Sector Leadership Awards (IPSLA), adjudged the Centre as the best public sector institution for the savviest use of digital media to engage stakeholders and the public.

This recognition is the second in 2017 for the Centre as it also won an award for Best Project in West and Central Africa Region for 2016 at the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) 2017 in Dubai.

IPSLA is an annual public service excellence award that seek to reward successful and effective delivery of services by public institutions in Ghana. The year under review was from October 2016 to October 2017.

Fifty public sector institutions were considered for the award and ranked according to their level of engagement, transparency, social inclusion, innovation and financial management.

This year’s event was themed, “Defeating Public Sector Corruption Should Begin With An Unbend-able Procurement System”.

The Centre was represented by Yofi Grant, CEO of GIPC, who lauded the organizers for the initiative and added that the award and recognition was an encouragement to the efforts being made towards improving services at the GIPC.

He said digital media had come to stay and that it was only prudent the Centre use the opportunity to extend its reach to both local and international audience.

“This is only the beginning for the GIPC. Next year will be bigger and better as we strive to make Ghana the preferred place to do business in Africa”, he added.


Government to Begin Asia Road Show Next Year to Seek Investments for Economic Transformation

The government is set to embark on an investment campaign of Asia in January next year. The campaign, dubbed the “Asia Deal and No Deal Road show”, is expected to match local businesses with Asian investors to draw investments into the country through partnerships to ensure the active participation of the private sector in the government’s industrialisation agenda.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, (GIPC), Mr Yofi Grant, told journalists at a news briefing shortly after the launch of the Ghana Asia Business Club (GABC) in Accra on December 15 that the campaign’s intended objectives were expected to be achieved through well-crafted networking opportunities.

“We want to position Ghana as the best place to do business in West Africa. There are quite a lot of things we’ll want to do. There are no clear cuts yet but that is why we are engaging in these kinds of discussions to get feedback from many of the businesses”, Mr Yofi Grant said.

The Asia Deal and No Deal Road show is set for January 28 to February 12, 2018. In a related development, “The GIPC, the Ministry of Finance, DWM Group and its partners, supported by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (Japan’s largest Bank), will be embarking on an investment campaign to ensure that the Ghanaian private sector scores a big win in Asia as regards trade and investment”, a statement released to the media after the briefing mentioned.

The statement also indicated that the GIPC, together with DWM Group, would lead the sustained engagement of business matching for the private sector with its respective counterparts in Japan, Singapore and China.

The investment campaign partners will spearhead the formation of the Asia Business Club with the objective to deliver intelligence-based business introductions leading to sustained engagement and real results for the private sector within a defined business framework, the statement added.

Ghana Asia Business Club

The Ghana Asia business club seeks to ensure that Ghanaian businesses achieve a global impact through strategic collaborations with its counterparts in Asia by assisting with business representation and marketing to achieve a fulsome outcome.

According to the GIPC, the relationships that the road show seeks to establish between local businesses and Asian investors will be supported with solid financial representation to be provided by MUFC and Standard Chartered Bank to ensure that local businesses achieve global attention.

Among many other objectives, the GABC seeks to equip local businesses with the understanding of the challenges of cross border transactions, particularly those between Africa and Asia, and negotiate terms with preferred partners to ensure that all business support services are provided.

Industrial drive

The government seeks to build an industrialised economy that will be self-sustaining and not reliant on foreign aid.

It also aims to change the structure of the economy through investments in industrialisation and entrepreneurship to increase revenue generation.

Although ambitious, the government wants to ride on the back of the private sector to establish medium to large-scale factories in each of the 216 districts nationwide.


Germany and Ghana in 100 Million Euro Partnership for Sustainable Energy

Germany and Ghana on Tuesday signed a 100 million Euros bilateral Investment and Reform Partnership agreement to promote private investment in renewable energy and vocational training. The agreement is part of Germany’s G-20 Compact with Africa programme for sustainable economic development.

Ghana’s Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta and Germany’s Deputy Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Friedrich Kitschelt signed the agreement under the auspices of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the visiting German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Flagstaff House in Accra.

The Partnership with Ghana is geared towards improving conditions for sustainable private sector investment, investment in infrastructure, economic participation, and employment in the country.

Addressing the press after the signing ceremony, President Akufo-Addo warmly welcomed Mr Steinmeier to Ghana, optimistic that his visit to the country would “renew the friendship and advance the dialogue that has been between our two countries.”

With Ghana being the third largest trading partner of Germany in Sub-Saharan Africa, the President said the relations between the two nations had been excellent, with many important features of commonality between both states.

President Akufo-Addo said the German economy had been distinguished by the prevalence and importance of small and medium scale enterprises, a rich experience Ghana could exploit to scale up and strengthen the sector to revamp its economy.

The President noted further Germany’s leading role in the training of its workforce had made that country’s workforce one of the most efficient in the world “and it shows in the continuous performance and resilience of the German economy.”

“This is another area of great concern for us – the whole area of skills development and training for our workforce and for our young people,” He said.

The President told the German leader that his government’s main priority was the enhancement of Education, which would ultimately scale up the capacity and competence of Ghana’s workforce.

Germany, he noted, was an important world leader in the area of renewable energy, an area that held extreme importance and concern for Ghana, and which the country hopes to find “a meaningful intercourse with Germany.”

President Akufo-Addo stated further that there were many other areas of international concern where Ghana and Germany “stood shoulder to shoulder in our view of issues about terrorism.”

“And above all we have taken a great deal of inspiration from the commitment of Germany’s leaders in supporting the options that Ghanaians have taken to assume greater responsibility for their economic development.”

The President said the “Ghana beyond aid” was one of the finest and greatest resonance of the leadership of Germany and it provided “another important basis for this continuing and fruitful dialogue that there is between our two countries.”

“I am particularly happy that today that he has come with a very impressive business delegation and we are hoping that the delegation would have a serious and meaningful intercourse with our own business community so that the very strong relations that are between our two countries would continue to develop,” the President said.

Mr Steinmeier said the longstanding relations between his country and Ghana had been given an additional impetus with him being in Ghana with a business delegation and praised Ghana’s democracy and tradition of stability, as well as the excellent and friendly business climate, which suited well with German businesses and industry that were very keen to invest in the country.

Ghana, Mr Steinmeier noted, had shown the world in the last twelve months “that it was possible to move away from divisive tendencies through determined actions and the data available to us, has improved and we are more optimistic more than we were a year or two ago.”

“The interest on the part of Ghana in Germany’s investment is just as great because it is not only about investing companies and plants, but about German companies bringing something here that you urgently need,” he said.

The German President also commended the Ghanaian government for focusing on education and vocational training “and it is something that I consider to be very necessary and makes a lot of sense as the President pointed out earlier when he explained the philosophy that you want to build a Ghana beyond aid.”

“I think we both are quite aware of the fact that this is not only a right and objective way to go but it can also be beneficial if you open up the opportunities for the young people through training and vocational education to follow a perspective for yourself and your country,” he noted.

Mr Steinmeier pledged his country’s support to partner Ghana to promote private investment and sustainable economic development for mutual benefit.

“Beyond what I have just said, we hope that we would be able to partner more strongly in the field of university training and in view of that I will be paying a visit to the University of Ghana and will be opening a study course for advanced university studies.”


Siemens, Rotan Power Sign Agreement for Ghana Power Plant Project

Siemens and Rotan Power have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop and build a combined cycle power plant at the Aboadze Power Enclave located in the Western region.

The 660 megawatts plant is to help Ghana meet its industrialization targets. The MoU was signed in the presence of the Vice President of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Brigitte Zypries, the German Federal Minister of Economics and Energy.

The plant will be the most efficient and environmentally friendly thermal plants, setting new standards in sub Saharan Africa. It will be built in two phases, with commercial operations date of the first phase scheduled for 2023 with the second phase scheduled for 2025. The German Export Credit Agency and Euler Hermes are set to provide financing for the project, which would be the largest plant in Ghana.

CEO of Siemens Sub-Saharan Africa, Sabine Dall’Omo says: “This project underlines the strategic partnership between Germany and Ghana and underpins the engagement of Siemens as leading global technology company in Africa. Together we will provide electricity to more than five million Ghanaians unlocking the economic potential by using power as a catalyst for socio-economic development.”

Chairman of Rotan Power, Mr. Kofi Morna says: “Rotan is delighted to partner with Siemens in deploying the first F-Class turbine in sub Saharan Africa with the lowest generation cost among thermal power producers in Ghana. Together with Siemens we will power the country and further improve access to electricity for our population. Furthermore the partnership will enable us to leverage skills transfer and training for Ghanaians.”

Siemens is responsible for the entire EPC turnkey scope. In addition Siemens – will provide Operation and Maintenance for 20 years.


German President Arrives In Ghana Today For 3-Day Visit

The President of Germany, President Franks Walter Steinmeier, is expected to arrive in Ghana today [Monday], for a three-day visit.

He will be accompanied by the Federal Minister for Economy and Energy, Mrs. Brigitte Zypries, the Deputy Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Friedrich Kitschelt, the State Minister at the German Foreign Office, Maria Böhmer, as well as a substantial business delegation and guests from civil society. The state visit to Ghana will be the first trip to an African country by President Steinmeier, since he took office in February 2017.

President Akufo-Addo, will receive President Steinmeier on December 12th, 2017. President Steinmeier’s visit will focus on the youth in Ghana, on scientific and academic cooperation and migration, on vocational training as well as on investment and business promotion.

German support for G20 Compact with Africa / New Investment Partnership

Under the auspices of the two presidents, the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, and the German Deputy Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Friedrich Kitschelt, will sign the bilateral “Investment and Reform Partnership”, bringing up to 100 million Euros of German government support to promote private investment into renewable energy in Ghana, as well as vocational training.

The investment partnership supports Germany’s commitments under the G20 Compact with Africa, which was signed in Berlin in June 2017. He will be accompanied by 17 representatives of German companies realizing Germany’s commitment under the G20 Compact with Africa to bring more German investment to Ghana.

Reinforcing research cooperation between Germany and Africa

Under the auspices of the President and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Legon, the Pro Vice-Chancelor for Research, Innovation and Development, Francis Dodoo, and the Director of the Arnold-Bergstraesser Institute of the University of Freiburg, Germany, Andreas Mehler, will sign a cooperation agreement for the opening of a Merian International Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Ghana.

The Centre has a thematic focus on sustainable governance, and will be supported by the German Ministry for Education and Research. The Centre will be the first of its kind in Africa.

Stronger partnership between Europe and Africa

President Steinmeier will conduct a discussion at the University of Ghana, Legon, with academics and students.

Vocational Training

He will visit the West-African Transport Academy (WATA) in Tema, which is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the German investors Scania, Bosch, and ZF on the one side, and German Development Cooperation on the other side. The Academy offers state of the art training facilities for young Ghanaians.

Support for Start-Up companies in Ghana

President Steinmeier will also meet with young Ghanaian entrepreneurs (start-ups), who are currently being supported by Germany with the aim of developing their business and linking them with international businesses.

Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration

The German president will attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration in Accra.

As of December, the Centre offers advice on technical and vocational education and training opportunities in Ghana, supports returnees from Europe in their reintegration, provides information on the risks of irregular migration, and on the possibilities for legal migration to Europe. It will make use of the extensive network of German cooperation in Ghana, especially in the areas of TVET and agriculture.

Security situation in the region

President Steinmeier will have encounters with experts and staff of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping training Center (KAIPTC), and get first-hand information on the security situation in West Africa. Germany is one of the main supporters of KAIPTC.


Newmont, MTN Top Ghana Club 100 Rankings

Newmont Golden Ridge Ltd has been adjudged the best company in the 16th edition of the Ghana Club 100 awards organized by the Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC).

The event under the theme, “Industrialization – A Tool For Job Creation And Accelerated Economic Development” also saw MTN, Goil, Goldfields Ghana and Vivo Energy emerge as the second, third, fourth and fifth top companies respectively.

The theme’s objective is in line with government’s vision to use manufacturing through the one district, one factory initiative as an economic development and job creation tool. The GIPC also used this year’s edition as a launch pad for promoting partnerships between Ghanaian manufacturers and their foreign counterparts.

The Ghana Club 100 (GC 100) is an annual compilation of the top 100 companies in Ghana to give due recognition to successful enterprise building and was launched in 1998 by the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC).

The GC 100 is about corporate excellence. Companies making it into the GC 100 are to serve as role models for the private sector and provide a forum for corporate Ghana to interact with the government at a high level.
