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GIPC Hopeful of More Investments in Agric Sector as it Touts 2018 Growth

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), says it is hoping to double investment in the agricultural sector to help increase non-traditional export in 2019. According to the Centre, the agricultural sector was able to rake in 591 million dollars export in 2018, a figure it seeks to increase in 2019.

Speaking about some plans adopted by the GIPC, Chief Executive Officer- Yofi Grant, was optimistic the various Agric Initiatives introduced by the Nana Addo government will attract more investors.

“The sector grew by 4.8% in 2018 and generated five hundred and ninety one million US dollars worth of exports, and a thirty four percent increase from previous earnings of four hundred and forty one million dollars. The current government has rolled out and will continue to roll out initiatives designed to modernize the sector, improve output and provide a stable and sustainable raw material base to value addition by the agro processing industry. It’s through all the hard work that we saw that huge rise from 2017 to 2018”.

He added that “the government’s ten-point industrialization strategy made up of interventions such as the one district, one factory, the export development programme and the creation of strategic anchor industries as well as other government interventions such as the fertilizer subsidy programmes, are all aimed at directly of indirectly opening up various business opportunities along the agriculture value chain”.


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