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GIPC Organizes First Quarter 2021 CEO’s Breakfast Meeting On Technology Transfer Agreements

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre holds its 1st CEO’s Breakfast Meeting this year on Tuesday 30th March 2021 with a comprehensive look at Technology Transfer Agreements (TTAs).

Under the theme “Technology Transfer Agreements: Eligibility, Compliance & Liabilities”, the first quarter edition of the renowned breakfast gathering of CEOs will sensitize the investor and business communities on GIPC’s TTA registration.

Together with key partners such as the Ghana Revenue Authority, the Bank of Ghana,  and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, discussions will center on issues relating to  TTA applications, as well as highlight the benefits of TTAs to both foreign and local businesses.

In Ghana, TTAs are entered into by two entities, usually a parent company abroad and its local subsidiary or associate company which is domiciled locally. Accordingly, a contractual relationsip is entered into which defines how the parent company transfers its technology, expertise, know-how etc. to an entity within the country.

According to law, the provisions of every technology transfer agreement in Ghana must conform to and be governed by the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre Act 2013 (Act 865). As such, the GIPC is an agency of the Ghanaian government responsible for among others, the registration and monitoring of all TTAs in Ghana.

“Registering a Technology Transfer Agreement with the GIPC is essential for protecting innovation and imperative for the facilitation of technology dissemination” said Naa Lamle Orleans-Lindsay, Head of the Legal Division at the GIPC, in stressing the importance of TTAs.

The first quarter CEO’s Breakfast Meeting is the first of four breakfast sessions that will be organized by the GIPC this year, to facilitate discourse on essential topics for the Ghanaian business and investor community.

Both local and foreign businesses can participate in the event from 9am via the GIPC’s online platforms (@gipcghana) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube) on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

Source: GIPC 

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