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Major Boost for Young Entrepreneurs as Government Plans Impact Hubs on Campuses

The Trade and Industry Ministry is set to launch a start-up Ghana project in August to motivate and support entrepreneurs and start-up businesses to grow. Speaking at the Second Young Entrepreneur’s Forum, Deputy Trade Minister Carlos Ahenkora said government will also set up five incubation centers at the various universities to help nurture the skills of young entrepreneurs.

Three hundred participants are attending the two-day forum, organized by the Ghana Investment Promotion Council (GIPC). This is focused on promoting dialogue between young entrepreneurs and government to influence policy formation while providing leadership and entrepreneurship training.

Speaking with Sunrise on 3FM on Thursday, Chief Executive Officer of GIPC Yofi Grant urged young entrepreneurs to look beyond the borders of Ghana with their businesses and take advantage of the continental free trade agreement. “There is a market waiting for you, and that market has even been made easier with the continental free trade area agreement.

“And all it is going to do is encourage intra-African trade, such that we trade among ourselves so that if you want to export, there is a big enough market in Africa for you to export.” Mr Ahenkora announced that impact hubs will be created to help groom young entrepreneurs as part of effort to push government policy on SME development.

“There are many young entrepreneurs who don’t even have offices to operate from. So as a board member of the GIPC and also the Deputy Minister of Trade, we will go and ask GIPC to include in their budget for next year creating impact hubs, where young set-ups can sit and use as a platform.” Some young entrepreneurs exhibited products and services and shared their experiences.

Some said the programme was insightful and it will go a long way to help their business. Others called on the government to entice other people by putting more hands-on deck to help entrepreneurs.

If not, they complained, people are going to stop what they are doing. The forum will offer mentoring and master class sections for selected participants on Day 2. It is under the theme ‘Connect, Accelerate and Grow’.
