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Nana Addo Meets Belgian Queen Today

The Queen of Belgium, Her Royal Majesty Queen Mathilde, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Alex De Croo, will today [Friday], hold bilateral talks with President Nana Akufo-Addo as part of their three-day visit to Ghana.

The Queen and President Akufo-Addo, as Co-Chair of the UN Advocates on Sustainable Development Goals, will proceed to address a forum at the University of Ghana.

She is also expected to meet the First and Second ladies as well as the Minister for Gender and Social Protection, and visit the Makola Market to interact with some market women.

She will also be at the Osu Presby Senior High School to commission an ICT Laboratory built by the Belgian Community in Ghana.

The meeting with the Queen has led to the postponement of President Akufo-Addo’s planned face-to-face meeting with his Ministers as part of their assessment after a year in office.

The assessment has been moved to Monday, February 12, 2018. 
