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Projects For Partnerships- Establishing A Modern Cocoa Processing Plant


Name of the company

LifeStar Cocoa Processing Ltd

Nature of business

Cocoa processing

Status/ Intention


Type of cooperation sought

Equity/ Loan  (US$ 1.5 million)

The project entails the establishment of a modern cocoa processing factory to process cocoa beans (at a production capacity of 500kg/hr of cocoa beans).  The final products- cocoa powder, cocoa butter and cocoa liquor- will be exported and sold on the local markets in light of the huge demand for them.  The processing facility will have the capacity to process 15000 metric tons annually.

 Value addition has been a long-standing national goal in enhancing earnings from the cocoa industry. However, currently over ninety percent of raw premium quality cocoa beans from Ghana are exported with only ten percent available for processing locally. Total installed capacity for processing cocoa is 343,000 metric tons and an additional installed capacity of about 350,000 metric tons is required to reach the country’s projected 50% processing capacity.

Also, the production of cocoa in Ghana is increasing with estimated output of 968,000 metric tons in 2016 compared to 710,000 metric tons in 2009 and 904,000 metric tons in 2010. Ghana also benefits from bilateral preferential market access conditions under the Generalized System of preferences and the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Therefore, there is guaranteed supply of raw materials and available market for the output of the company.

 The project sponsor presently engaged in the production of cocoa products, buys grinded cocoa powder from the Cocoa Processing Company (CPC). Offices are located in Tema, with the site for the processing plant located at Dodowa, near Adenta, approximately 15 km from Tema.

 Source: GIPC, Research & Business Development