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Projects For Partnerships- Profile of AA Food & Beverages Ltd

AA Food & Beverages Ltd seeks to expand the production of its branded alcoholic beverages and intensify its distribution effort in taking advantage of the emerging market opportunities for its products.

With its production facility located in Legon, Accra, the company presently produces and distributes two varieties of drinks- the Sahara Solace Butter Scotch Schnapps Liqueur and Spice Rum- which are positioned and excellently packaged to clearly distinguish them from other products in the market. The company also plans to introduce another product- Pineapple Vodka- in the coming year.

 There exists huge potential for the company’s products in light of Ghana’s fast growing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages industry. Through marketing innovation, AA Food & Beverages Ltd intends to capture an often-overlooked segment of the special alcoholic beverage market.

 AA Food & Beverages products provide options in both quality and variety, making the point of purchase decision easy and promoting the products in an interactive business consumer fashion. With additional capital injection of GHS 1.2 million (approximately US$ 250,000.00), it is projected that the company would be earning average net profit of GHS 368,000.00 per annum in the next five years.

Contact GIPC via if you have interest in this project.

 Source: GIPC Corporate Affairs