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Housing Opportunities Intro

The Ghanaian coastal stretch experiences extensive beach erosion, mainly due to the impact of wave action. Currently, the Mensah Guinea, Ningo-Prampram, Cape Coast, Shama, Dixcove and Anomabu coastal stretches are
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#CitiBusinessFestival: Africa Must Reduce Over-Reliance on Imports Post-Covid- Yofi Grant

As the world gradually recovers from the economic impact of the novel Coronavirus outbreak, African countries are being urged to make the most of the opportunities presented by the pandemic
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GIPC to Attract More Investors into Agribusiness in 2020 – Yofi Grant

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Yofi Grant, has said his outfit will prioritize investments in agriculture and agribusiness in 2020. This, he explained will
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