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The Tamale Airport and Industrial Park (TACIP) project is one of 8 catalytic projects in the Greater Tamale Metropolitan Area (GTMA) Master Plan and is an important driver for the economic transformation of northern Ghana. The project takes advantage of, and builds upon, the ongoing expansion of the Tamale Airport into international status, to connect it globally as well as to a growing network of aviation centers nationally and across the sub-region.

The rapid population growth and the planned modernization of Tamale provide opportunities for investments. As an aviation hub, Tamale has many location advantages. It is on the flight path to North Africa, Europe and beyond and is one hour closer; it has closer proximity to most West African cities and has flexibility in terms of land available for development than any other airport in Ghana.

To make the Tamale international airport viable, the agricultural opportunities in the north also need to be fully exploited to provide cargo opportunities. The TACIP plan outlines the ff projects: Logistics Parks, FTZ, integrated freight hub, warehousing and industrial park; ICT and an IT park; Office Park development; hotel, meetings and convention facilities among others. The planned area for the TAIP project is 200 ha and includes lands already owned by the government through the Aviation Ministry, lands SADA has acquired or plans to acquire. The aviation industry is a major booster of the economic growth and development of any country. It is estimated to cost $ 1.5 billion and the time frame is 8-10 years. A collaborative effort involving the Development Authority, the Aviation ministry and other relevant sector ministries, Local Government authorities, and private sector bodies combined with the right incentive packages are necessary for the project to succeed.


The proposed Tamale Airport City and Industrial Park (TACIP)project is one of several outputs of both the zone-wide Concept Planning exercise and a specific Master Planning of the Greater Tamale Metropolitan Area (GTMA) and a Buipe Waterfront City and Inland Port. These plans are close to completion and await government review and approval. The purpose of the overall planning exercise is to position the Northern Savanah Ecological Zone (NSEZ) for transformational development by providing guidance for public investments and project ideas for private investments or suitable for Public Private Partnerships.

The TACIP is one of 8 strategic catalytic projects identified in the Greater Tamale Metropolitan Area Plan (GTMAP) is designed to catalyze investments to transform Tamale and positive spin-offs for growth across northern Ghana. The Tamale airport is already undergoing expansion. The longest runway in West Africa has already been completed. Passenger and cargo terminals are planned. The TAICP builds on these plans to provide a more comprehensive spatial plan and a more diversified project idea.

The project aims to develop service and logistics capabilities in the airport area, expand services and air travel, stimulate industries and provide first-class residential accommodation, and provide thousands of jobs to consolidate Tamale as the business and logistics hub and gateway to the Sahel. Specific projects include warehousing and logistics facilities; Hotels, Convention Centre, and Exhibitions; Supporting Service Industries; supporting commercial activities; transport and transit facilities; shopping malls; Banks and other business Offices and facilities. The plan also identifies complementary public infrastructure projects such as road networks, utilities including water and electricity; parking spaces; green spaces; well-planned locations for green spaces among others.


  • To capitalize on the development of the Tamale International Airport and develop a 200ha Airport City around it;
  • To promote the growth of the aviation sector with more air links between Tamale and other destinations in West Africa in both cargo and passenger traffic.
  • Complement airport city with logistics, aviation support services, and industrial sector development


1. A vibrant economy in and around the airport
2. One of the most modern and best-organized airport city infrastructures in West Africa
3. Logistics infrastructure that will turn Tamale into the logistics hub of West Africa
4. A get-away place for residents of congested, grid-locked cities in Ghana and West Africa
5. Over 10,000 jobs within 10 years
6. Catalyse commercial agriculture such as horticultural products for export.


  • $1.5 Billion over an 8-10-year period.
  • Feasibility studies and detailed designs for specific sub-projects are yet to be undertaken.
  • A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to raise capital and oversee project implementation is envisaged. Infrastructure engineering designs and building designs for the start-up phase and for these to be marketed for construction work to commence by early 2020. Additional land acquisition is also required.


Northern Development Authority
Opposite American Embassy, Accra-Ghana. +233 372 028 997(8)(9)
The Chief Executive Officer
Ghana Investment Promotion Officer
P. O. Box M 193 Accra, Ghana Tel:0302665125-9

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